FEEL BETTER for Young Adults Abroad

Helping you navigate the struggles of life as a young adult abroad


Are you between 18-25yo and…

… Wondering if you have chosen the right path after High School?

… Finding it hard to see your friends so sure of their future while you’re feeling lost and stuck?

… Finding it difficult to connect with a partner, to your new place, or make new friends?

… Wondering how moving around or a past traumatic experience has affected you?

Or maybe it’s just been hard lately, you’ve been feeling low or anxious.

You might cope by trying to put up a happy front with your family

You might try to pretend that nothing is going on because you don’t want to disappoint them. It’s so hard to explain how and why you are feeling that way.

Other ways you may be trying to cope are by over-drinking, eating, gaming, and scrolling to take your mind off your doubts.

Or you may have bravely attempted to talk to your family or friends about difficult things for you, only to have been let down by critical reactions or misunderstandings from them.

If this is you: you need a space where you are allowed to safely explore all of your wonderings, feelings, questions, concerns, and doubts. So you can find your answers, understand your journey, grieve your losses and regain hope for the future.

You can have someone to walk alongside you - wherever your journey might take you.

I see your questions and doubts as a healthy part of your development as a human being.

In the process of finding who you are as an adult, your perspectives and worldviews change a lot. I see your evolving perspective as a sign of your growth as a person.

I like to create space for you to safely explore your questions, and help you navigate your day-to-day life, relationships, and career questions.

I help you identify the core pieces of who you are, so you can feel grounded in yourself wherever you may end up choosing to go.

In my experience working with young adults like you,

I’ve come to see how common it is to experience struggles in that phase of life, especially for those who grew up abroad.

I’ve found that people who ask questions about who they are and what they want in life are not late in their development or have a problem, or even are trying to tear their family apart. Rather, as you do that, you start identifying your core values so you can have some stable emotional ground to stand on when you take big decisions about your life.

I combine my training as a therapist, my previous career as an Human Resources executive, and my own personal experience of living abroad and making a mid-career change, to create a supportive space that allows you to explore your questions safely.


€ 100 per session (50 minutes)

Payable before each session via a secure link emailed to you weekly.

Let’s Talk!

Email me to book a 20-minute free introductory call to

ask any questions you may have.